When can I hold my screening?
You may plan an in-person screening of the film for any time in 2024 or 2025. To see where else the film is screening, you can check our list of upcoming events here. Is there a fee to host a screening? As part of our commitment to make sure as many people as possible are able to see and share this documentary, as of January 1, 2025, we are lowering the standard price for a license to screen the film publicly to $249 with a sliding scale for low resourced churches and organizations that allows you to purchase a license to screen the film for as little as $25. When you register, you can choose your rate on the sliding scale. These fees go directly to fund the film's distribution. If you would like to help underwrite screenings at lower-resourced churches or organizations, please consider making an additional donation here. I am part of a small church and we cannot afford the fee. Is there an option for us? Yes, our goal is for Our goal is that everyone can host their own screening, regardless of financial means. Thanks to the generosity of many screening hosts who paid a higher price for their licenses, we are now in a position to lower the price. Our sliding scale is from $25 - $249 to host a screening. How long is the film? The film funs 91 minutes with the full credits. Without the credits it is 86 minutes. Do I need to rent a theater to host a screening? You can host your screening anywhere. Some people rent theaters, others screen the film in churches or in local community spaces, and others host their screenings in their home. What formats are available? You can choose from one of six formats: a streaming link on Vimeo where you can enable closed captions, a digital download without closed captions, a digital download with closed captions burned in, a digital download with Spanish subtitles burned-in, a DVD, or a DCP (which is what theaters will ask for). When you register your screening you will choose the format. I filled out your form and chose to pay by check. Where do I send the check? Please make the check out to Time Travel Productions LLC and send it to: Time Travel Productions Box 584 Watertown, MA 02472 Should I tell the press about my screening? You will need to decide if it is a public or a private screening. If you want to open it to the public, we encourage you to reach out to your local press. You can also post it on social media, and share through local networks such as a public library or organizational newsletter. Will you have templates I can use? Yes, your ‘host a screening’ kit will include digital social media templates, a draft press release, and a digital version of our poster. How does this relate to the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary? The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the first ordinations of women as Episcopal priests. You can choose to include a celebration of the 50th as part of your screening. Can I have a filmmaker or one of the film’s protagonists come to my screening? Yes, the director and the film protagonists are available on a limited basis to attend screenings in person, or join via Zoom. There will be an additional fee for a speaker. Can I host more than one screening with my license? Each license is for one public screening. If you are planning multiple screenings, you can tell us when you register. The standard prices for a second screening is $99, and $75 for the third. Multiple screenings are also on a sliding scale. You can choose the amount you will pay for your screenings when you register. Can I buy a copy of the film for my church or university? You can do this through Good Docs. Click here. I want to host a screening at my church. Should I stream it through PBS or sign up to host a screening? The answer depends on what kind of event you are planning. Officially you should have a public performance license (the legal term for permission to show the film in public). If your group will be small, and you do not charge for entry, then we are less concerned about you having an official license to show the film. Please keep in mind that we have no ability to provide technical support for any of the PBS streaming options. The advantage of going through us, is that you will get a link that is guaranteed to work well, which gives you full control over your event. Our sliding scale is intended to accommodate everyone. To register your screening with us, start by filling out this short form. |
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